Sunday, September 15, 2013

C4T Project #5

C4T #1
I am a new member to the blogging club, however I am finding it to be quite an interesting way for teachers and students, among many others to share, their thoughts and ideas. I have recently started to explore other blogs and finding the ideas different teachers come up with to be so interesting and creative. One teacher in particular is a woman by the name of Elvira Deyamport. Recently, I have read some posts on her blog, Language Journeys, and I have been inspired by the experience she has shared from her classroom. I thought the way she had her students do their "about me" assignment at the beginning of the school year was very creative. Instead of having the students answer questions on paper, she had them make a puzzle piece, or their own puzzle with their interests, goals for the class, etc on them so they could see how all of them are connected. This is such a creative way to engage the students while gathering necessary information, and of course having fun. Kudos to this blogger for keeping things creative! I have included the video shared on Elvira's blog that shared some samples of their puzzle pieces.

C4T #2
The post on Elvira Deyamport's blog titled, "Research Meets Podcasts," caught my attention in more ways than one. I found it interesting to read about the project she did with her students on creating podcasts. She mentioned that she has been assigned as the Activity teacher for their program, and she chose to focus on introducing one tool to the students and how to use it effectively. She makes the point in her posts that she likes to try out tools herself before presenting them to her students. This was an important point to make, because it important that we, as the teachers, are fully familiarized with something before we can teach it to our students. The posts even included some of the final products form the students projects, which were interesting to see and listen to. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the steps the students took in creating their podcasts and how much they enjoyed being able to insert their ow music and voices into them. Again, this blog is a very good read and has lots of good creative ideas about how to get the students involved in the classroom. Please take the time to enjoy the example of one of the podcasts from Elvira's blog done by her students I have included ("Questions and Cola With Ahmad"), you will not be disappointed. Again kudos for Elvira Deyamport!

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